5 Caveats Before Diving Into Reactive Microservices Architecture
СодержаниеLearn How To Create Quick And Easy Reactive Microservices Using The Ballerina Programming LanguageMicroservices Reference ArchitectureReactive Microservices ArchitectureKnative Eventing¶Reactive Microservices: Modeling Events And DomainBuilding Microservices, 2nd EditionPrinciples Of IsolationDefine Your Reactive Java Architecture With Jdl Microservices should be independently deployed and they should not care about the location of other microservice. Allows microservices to evolve internally without affecting outside. All the microservices can be deployed and updated independently, which gives more flexibility. This ensures the jobs to be done in a service don’t become too complicated. It makes everything more extensible, maintainable, scalable and resilient. It usually makes sense to atomize microservices further as you scale. As the services are split in two, the domain teams split as well; two teams will form where one used to suffice. By the…